“My mother taught me to always make time for others as you never know what their particular circumstances might be.”
Paula Stander, Retiree Meeting Ambassador
Paula Stander, Retiree Meeting Ambassador
Growing up, my mother taught me to be patient and to always make time for others as you never know what their particular circumstances might be. When I was a benefit advisor, one gentleman in particular needed my help. He seemed to be pretty lonely. He called me so often that eventually I would set aside my lunch hour so I could take his calls. He still sends me a Christmas card every year! I love my job so much because I know I make a real difference in people's lives, and I thank my mom for teaching me the value of giving my time and attention to others.

“My mom has multiple sclerosis, so I’m acutely aware of how important it is to have access to not only adequate healthcare coverage, but also to a plan that can be tailored to specific healthcare needs.”
Jill Nohai, Sales
Jill Nohai, Sales
My job is to work with organizations who are looking for a better, more sustainable way to deliver retiree healthcare. My mom has multiple sclerosis, and she has lived with me for the last ten years, so I'm acutely aware of how important it is to have access to not only adequate healthcare coverage, but to coverage that can be tailored to specific healthcare needs. My experience with my mom makes me extra determined to find solutions that will benefit both organizations and the retirees that served them.

“Thanks to my parents, I learned how rewarding it is to serve our elders and be a light to them. I fell in love with this business because I can continue to serve seniors every day.”
Nicholas Alexander, Retiree Enrollment Leader
Nicholas Alexander, Retiree Enrollment Leader
I learned from a young age how important it is to take care of seniors. My parents, in addition to their regular 9-5 jobs, have thrown a paper route since I was five, and they still do it to this day. I was recruited at a young age to help out, getting up at 2am on the weekends to help put newspapers together and deliver them to senior communities and assisted living centers in Sun City, AZ. I remember being tired and complaining about having to work in the middle of the night when the rest of the world slept. My parents told me, "Without us, these great people don't get to start their day. We're making sure they start it on the right page." And it was important to them - sometimes husbands and wives waited at the end of their driveways at 5am to greet us.
Thanks to my parents, I learned how rewarding it is to serve our elders and be a light to them. I fell in love with this business because I can continue serving seniors every day.

“My determination and can-do attitude, which I learned from my grandmother, are the keys to giving my team the encouragement and support they need to help retirees.”
Amy Garrard, Customer Service Leader
Amy Garrard, Customer Service Leader
I always looked up to my maternal grandmother, a stay-at-home mom who raised eight children. She was an amazing seamstress who even sewed her daughter-in-law’s wedding dress. In my early teen years, she taught me to sew by creating a quilt. I found it difficult and wanted to quit several times, but she pushed me to finish. I still have that quilt to this day and it reminds me that perseverance and persistence pays off.
As a customer service leader, I know the importance of having patience with everyone as we help them navigate the Medicare Marketplace. The benefit advisors on my team help our retirees identify which plan is a good fit for them. Just like my grandmother guided me to see the quilt through to the end, my determination and can-do attitude are the keys to giving my team the encouragement and support they need to help retirees.

“I was fascinated by the emphasis WTW placed on senior sensitivity training, and I wanted to bring that connection and passion for elders to everyone I could, which I attribute to everything I learned from my grandparents.”
Trevor Hawkes, Training Leader
Trevor Hawkes, Training Leader
I was raised by my grandparents. When my grandmother had a stroke, leaving her left side paralyzed, my grandfather became her hands and feet for many years. Their love and care for each other taught me so much, and their care for me when I was growing up left me with a deep appreciation and fondness for older people.
When I started working at WTW, I thought it was going to be "just a job," but as soon as I began my Senior Sensitivity training, I knew it would be so much more. Seeing just how deeply the company cared about their retired participants, I applied to the Training Department. I wanted to bring that connection and passion for our elders to everyone that I could, which I attribute to everything I learned from my grandparents.

“I strive to impart my father’s values of excellence and pride in a job well done into every phase of our training process.”
Nathan Malone, Head of Training and Development
Nathan Malone, Head of Training and Development
My parents instilled in me that opportunity comes from sustained excellence. Seeing my father's competence as a leader and observing the respect he gives to everyone has served as a blueprint for how I live my life. I strive to impart my father’s values of excellence and pride in a job well done into every phase of our training process.

“My parents taught me about working hard and serving others, and I am so grateful because I think it comes more naturally to me as a result. I try to teach my teams these same values...because as team leaders, everything we do affects the people we manage, and their experience is the basis of creating a great participant experience.”
Elise Searles-Smith, Retiree Enrollment Leader
Elise Searles-Smith, Retiree Enrollment Leader
My parents instilled in me the values of hard work, service, and team work. As kids we each had a chore that we were responsible for each day. Mine was laundry and at first I hated it, as any kid would. After some time doing it every day, it became a habit, and I wanted to do my best because I knew I was serving my family.
My older brother once injured himself on the day he was supposed to clean the kitchen and I was sad that he wouldn't get his chore money if he couldn't get it done. My mom took me aside and said, what if you cleaned the kitchen for him? And that's exactly what I did.
My brother still got his chore money and I learned the importance of service and team work.
My parents taught me about working hard and serving others and I am so grateful because I think it comes more naturally to me as a result. I try to teach my teams these same values, first by exhibiting them myself and then by taking advantage of "teachable moments" when they come up. As team leaders, everything we do affects the people we manage, and their experience is the basis of creating a great participant experience.

“My dad’s insistence on discipline and clear communications is the foundation for my ability to explain complex Medicare information so it’s easy for retirees to understand.”
Bill Wei, Retiree Meeting Ambassador
Bill Wei, Retiree Meeting Ambassador
As a United Nations Delegate, Ambassador, Rear Admiral, and Naval Academy Superintendent, my dad taught me the importance of discipline, diplomacy and effective communications at an early age. My dad's insistence on discipline and clear communications when I was growing up are the foundation for my ability to explain complex Medicare information so it's easy for retirees to understand. When they understand, it helps them make confident decisions during this important transition in their lives.

“My parents taught me the importance of family. I strive every day to remember that everyone is part of a family and that they deserve to be treated with care, honesty and respect.”
Jordan Langston, Benefit Advisor
Jordan Langston, Benefit Advisor
103. That’s the age of the oldest retiree I’ve ever helped. At her age, she was nervous she wouldn’t pick the right insurance coverage. I told her not to worry because we were in this together and that I wasn’t going anywhere until she was completely happy with her plan selection. I spent well over two hours with her that day, and it was rewarding to hear the relief and gratitude in her voice when we were done selecting her plan. My parents always taught me the importance of family. I strive every day to remember that everyone is part of a family and that they deserve to be treated with care, honesty and respect.

“My parents’ lessons of hard work, respect and kindness really help me to work with people who are learning new material. Sometimes they just need a patient and supportive trainer to help them master the information. I work hard to ensure that our training programs prepare our customer service team to serve our retirees in the best way possible.”
Allison Ford, Training Leader
Allison Ford, Training Leader
My parents taught me, if you want something you have to work hard and commit to doing the best job possible. They also taught me to treat others with respect and kindness. You never know what someone else is facing and sometimes people just need a little grace and someone to show them they matter.
My parents' lessons of hard work, respect and kindness really help me to work with people who are learning new material. Sometimes they just need a patient and supportive trainer to help them master the information. I work hard to ensure that our training programs prepare them to serve our retirees in the best way possible.

“I truly love and respect our retirees, many of whom have become dear friends over the years. How could I not treat them like my own parents or grandparents?”
Bryan Shoaf, Benefit Advisor
Bryan Shoaf, Benefit Advisor
I often sat at my grandfather’s feet begging him to give me more details from his war stories. He was my hero: a World War II Army Artillery Commander and recipient of the Silver Star. He always stopped short, never wanting too much attention or too much credit for his contribution.
My dad taught me about the value of hard work. When I asked if he would buy me a new bike he replied, “Sure, jump in the car!” To my dismay, he bought me a shiny new…lawn mower! It didn’t take me long to understand that if I worked hard to save up my own money and buy the bike myself, it would mean much more to me.
This work ethic is passed down through the generations, but only if we listen to our elders.
It is my absolute honor to serve retirees. I truly love and respect my customers, many of whom have become dear friends over the years. How could I not treat them like my own parents or grandparents? As we talk on the phone, I envision myself sitting with them, on the edge of my seat, listening with respect. I’m committed to delivering a great customer experience, but ultimately these sweet, amazing customers of mine are the ones blessing and enriching my life!