A new way to help your people find individual health insurance—from hire to retire
Like many employers, you likely have populations who need health insurance but aren’t eligible for your group plans, such as retirees or part-time employees. Or perhaps employees leaving your company want to understand alternatives to COBRA. When they seek guidance, your options have been limited — until now.
The Via Benefits Discover program
This program is designed specifically for individuals who do not receive financial support from their employer for health insurance, including:
Former employees losing employer coverage
Divorced spouse
Children aged 26
Benefit ineligible
Part-time or hourly
Waiting period
What’s in it for you?
Valuable program that enhances your overall employer benefits package
Cost savings from reduced enrollment in COBRA or Pre-Medicare coverage
No or low cost to implement
Minimal employer effort: No need to terminate current plans, no requirement to fund individual coverage, no required eligibility file
What’s in it for employees?
Access to a wide range of individual health insurance plans
Premier advisory and enrollment support from highly experienced Via Benefits licensed benefit advisors at no cost
Guidance on federal subsidies to secure coverage at the lowest cost
Potentially more affordable than alternatives like COBRA or higher-cost Pre-Medicare coverage
For employers interested in exploring an Affordable Care Act market alternative to traditional group health insurance for their active employees, contact Via Benefits about Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement (ICHRA) administration service.
How does it work?
Building on our market-leading retiree advisory and enrollment services, you’ll have resources to support enrollment for individuals of all ages who don’t have access to employer-subsidized health coverage.
What to do next?
If you’re interested in exploring the Via Benefits Discover program you can submit an online form. A Via Benefits healthcare strategist will be in touch to help assess whether Discover is a good fit.