Save Your Vision Month 

Don’t lose sight of your eye health! Save Your Vision Month is observed every March, serving as a reminder to prioritize eye health and take proactive steps to protect your vision. Taking steps to preserve your eye health can help you live a healthier life with clearer vision. 

Tips to keep your eyes healthy 

  • Wear sunglasses
    The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can boost the chance of cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye conditions. When choosing sunglasses, try to select a pair that blocks 100% of UVA and UVB rays (1). 

  • Get regular eye exams
    One of the most important aspects of maintaining good eye health is scheduling regular eye exams. Not only do these exams evaluate your vision, but they also check for signs of eye diseases. It is recommended that all adults over the age of 60 have a dilated eye exam every two years (2). 

  • Eat nutritious foods
    Having a healthy diet can not only help overall physical health, but it also helps eye health. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, vitamins A, C and E can help prevent the development of eye disease (3). 

  • Reduce screentime
    In today’s digital age, long screen time can cause eye strain, affecting overall eye health. Some symptoms of eye strain include dry eyes, blurry vision, watery eyes and headaches. To reduce eye strain, use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look away from the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds (4). 

  • Be aware of risk factors
    Certain factors can increase someone’s chances of developing eye disorders or diseases. Some factors include older age, family history, smoking, physical inactivity and chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. If you face any of these risk factors, make sure to get your eyes checked by an optometrist regularly (5).  



  1. Seltman Whitney, OD, “How to Kepp Your Eyes Healthy”, WebMD, 14 Jun. 2022, 

  2. “Keep an Eye on Your Vison Health”, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 Oct. 2020, 

  3. Vimont Celia, “36 Fabulous Foods to Boost Eye Health”, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 7 Apr. 2023, 

  4. Porter Daniel, “Digital Devices and Your Eyes”, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 27 Nov. 2023, 

  5. “Save Your Vision Month: 8 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Your Vision”, Retinal Consultants Medical Group, 8 Mar. 2023, 


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