Earth Day  

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22 to raise awareness for protecting the environment and Earth’s natural resources for future generations. The Earth Day Network brings together more than 20,000 partners and organizations globally to take action to help make the world a more sustainable and greener place for all. This year’s theme is Planet vs. Plastics, which focuses on the reduction of plastic production.

Ways to take action 

  • Make your voice heard 
    Signing petitions is a great way to bring attention to important issues and make changes. There are a number of online petitions you can support that will only take a minute of your time to sign; find one that is meaningful to you! 

  • Join a cleanup 
    A great way to contribute to a cleaner and greener community is by volunteering at a local cleanup event or even simply going outside and picking up any trash see. You can find local cleanup events near you here. 

  • Donate to environmental charities 
    Donating to environmentally conscious charities is a perfect way to celebrate Earth Day and give back to the planet. There are many different environmental charities that focus on specific areas to choose from so you can find a topic and charity that is important to you, e.g. wildlife conservation, renewable energy, further education on environmentalism, and planting trees! 

  • Make your next meal planted based 
    Did you know that a single quarter-pound hamburger patty requires 460 gallons of water to produce? Additionally, eliminating one week’s worth of meat and cheese consumption in the United States alone would have the same environmental impact as taking 7.6 million cars off the road (1). Get plant-based meal inspirations here!  


  1. University, Stanford. “Embracing a Plant-Based Diet.” Stanford Report, 6 May 2021,


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